QuickBooks for contractors Tip – Advanced Progress billing


Progress billing feature QuickBooks® Pro Premier and Enterprise editions, although it is intended to contact the collection; commonly used by contractors working on large and / or government projects involve a lot of work or plan values ​​and detailed line-item billing.

the contractor may run into customer billing issues when trying to take advantage of detailed job cost associated with QuickBooks Progress billing.

Contractor will enter the details of the work, materials, subcontracts and other costs in the food that would apply in order to get a better estimate vs. actual reports from QuickBooks.

An issue often will arise when the contractor charges its customers using the percentage of the lump sum Draw, rather than the percentage of completion for each line.

For example, submitting a detailed plan to the customer for installation of some wrought iron fencing around his property. Estimate information amounts for Site work, fencing, installation of fencing, and some excavation, providing a grand total for the project.

However, the contractual rights of 20% of the total contract price upon approval of assessment 40% when the project is 40% complete, and the remaining 40% at the end of the project.

Most times contractor in this type of situation will prefer to have him Progress Invoice display one line item fence at one time payment expected / estimated value of the current amount is charged along with previous amounts or percentages that were charged.

Due to contractual their developers do not want or need to show all the line of progress account but want to track information about job costing – this causes a conflict between the developer wants to see vs what he wants his client to see

One solution. this problem would be to create a custom invoice templates in QuickBooks that would eliminate all columns except the Description column and every time you create an account you would end up manually type in a description (20% Draw 40% draw, etc.). The drawback to this solution is that you eliminate just the best feature of Progress billing function – no duplicate or excess data entry; and the bill ends up looking unprofessional.

The best solution, in my opinion, is to create a group of objects that contains information about job costing needs (up to 20 unique items can be added to one group). A Group Item allows you to have one description you can indicate that you do not want to print part of the group simply by going on Print item in the group option unchecked.

Some people might think that they would have to install a new set of issues for each group of items that you use. If you always use the same combination of things every job (with a few extra points here and there) as labor, materials, tailoring and other costs, would create a “normal or skipped payment information group” that includes these items. When you get a job that has extra items – perhaps equipment rental – you can actually add an item for equipment rental group directly Estimate form. When a group item has been pulled into the form, click the group team (make sure you’re not above or below it), from QuickBooks Edit menu -> choose Insert Line to insert a blank line, then from the point column access to points and select a new product to install. You can also use the Edit menu -.> Delete the line to remove objects that will not be used for this particular job


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